Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Greetings and Welcomings and Suchness


Well, here it is.  A blog.  Something that I have decided to take a shot at.  Spent about ten minutes trying to think of an original blog-worthy name, and there it is, you can see it yourself up at the top of your screen provided you haven't scrolled to far down the page already.  Not sure why I gave it the name, guess I just like oxymorons, and the like, so there you are.  There are no guarantees that I won't change it at some point in the near or far future...

Why have I decided to write a blog?  Hmmmmm....
It could be that I was inspired by my to-be-kind-of-already-is-a-missionary friend Melissa, aka Miss-o-wissa, who writes a blog.
It could be that I was inspired by my now married, now Australian cousin Justin (Congrats cuz!) who also writes a blog/used to writes a blog, and told me once that I should writes a blog because I wrotes a Facebook note that caught his interest years ago.
It could be that I wasn't inspired at all, its just the fact that I'm writing this at 1:47 in the morning and have no real idea what I'm doing.
Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.
Could be it was all of them, none of them- who knows?  Even I don't really know.  I guess I just kind of felt like writing a blog to see what it's like.  And even that explanation is a guess.

Sooo, what kind of blogs can you expect to see from me?
Well, there's a possibility it could vary depending on the type of coffee I have been drinking, or the length of time I have been without coffee, or the type of coffee establishment I have been around, but here are some ideas.

  • First off, a blog that talks about me, my interests, and other cool, great stuff about me.  I believe that if you are going to read my blogs, you will probably want to know who is talking to you.  (Although, that is the purpose of a blog at least in part is it not?)
  • Blogs about my thoughts.  Guess these would go along with the title well.
  • Blogs about technology.  I'm a bit of a geek.  I enjoy just about all aspects of computers.
  • Blogs about my hobbies.  Think pinatas, custom computer graphics, and frisbee golf.
  • Blogs about my beliefs.  These will tend to be more serious.  I find that there are some things in life that I take a stand on.  Some may be opinions, but the majority will most likely be based on why I believe them in relation to the Bible.  I am a Christian.
  • Old Facebook notes that I think were good enough to count as blogs.  Maybe some poetry among these, I wrote a few poems back in high school that I think turned out pretty well.
  • Blogs about stuff...  Hopefully this one will cover anything I didn't think of.
How often will I write?  Not really sure.  I'm thinking it would be nice to do it once a week or so, but I'm not certain that'll happen.  I don't want to say I will and then be pressured to write.  Then it becomes homework, blech. *sticks tongue out.*  Maybe at least once a month, but I'm hoping I'll have the motivation to do it once every week or two if I have time and enough stuff to talk about.

So there's your welcome mat to a simply complex mind.  Hope I'm not too crazy for your liking, and I'll see you around!  :-D